✨ Transformation Tuesday ✨

Fear is like a gatekeeper. Beyond it lies our most vulnerable parts. It serves as a barrier between them and the world. This is for our own protection. Otherwise, we risk being stabbed with no armor on. While it may seem strange to think of these vulnerabilities as our deepest treasures, this makes perfect sense. Our greatest gift to another is to let down our walls and share our vulnerabilities. As we learn to safely engage with these parts of ourselves, both within ourselves and with others, we create a sense of security, confidence, and resilience. This is our treasure; a sense of self that feels stronger in the broken places. ⁣

This should not be foreign to us as Catholics.  We see this very pattern brought to its fullest in the person of Christ. He used our greatest vulnerability (death/mortality) to give us our greatest treasure (salvation/eternal life). In a similar way, God uses our apparent weaknesses to heal and transform us. What feels like a liability can become an incredible resource. If we can summon enough courage to deal with the dragon, we will find the treasure hidden behind. The only way out is through. ⁣

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* The information provided is for self-enrichment and not intended to replace any necessary mental health treatment.⁣


Jonathan Dixon, LMFT
Alpha Omega Team